Five reasons to use an investment property specialist

Property expert

1. If you’re a property expert, your results speaks for themselves.

Okay, we’ll just put it out there. There are a lot of cowboys in this industry giving out property advice.

You’ve probably been to one or two.

Maybe you’ve been burned. Maybe you’ve tried to do it yourself and haven’t been as successful as you’d have liked.

It’s important to listen to an expert who does the research. Why? Well that’s the easy part.

So get into bed with someone who knows how to do it!

Property investment is a long-term relationship, and it’s a marriage which lasts longer than most. If you invest in shares, you can buy and sell within two or three days.

But share values can be volatile and can fall dramatically in price, even to zero. And while daily fluctuations in price are to be expected, investors can often feel stressed and anxious about short-term volatility and bear market conditions.

Control also plays its part. Unexpected events outside your control can seriously affect share prices.

Property is a long-term love affair, and you’re both there to ride out the good times and bad. The most successful property investors focus on cash flow rather than capital growth. And for the best financial outcome, property investment typically lasts between seven and nine years.

If you sell sooner, you’ll eat into valuable profit. High entry and exit costs mean you need to sit and wait. You’ll thank us for that advice later on.

Property investment risk

It’s about minimising your risk

Any investment involves some degree of risk – risk is defined as the degree of uncertainty – the potential for financial loss. In general, the greater the risk means investors seek greater returns to compensate.

In-depth property research minimises the possibility of picking the wrong investment property – whether it be property type, or property location.

We use our expertise to stack the benefits and odds in your favour, so that the property will achieve what we expect it to achieve and your goals are met.

Property taxation

2. You’ll get the right taxation and gearing advice … (you’ll see the effect it will have on your outcome).

Here at Mirren we have access to a network of strategic partner accounts that make sure the advice Mirren is giving and acting on, is right every time.

Our goal is to minimise your tax and help you pay off your debt as quickly as possible. Most people don’t realise the tax breaks they are entitled to, and we aim to maximise your tax rebate so every cent can be used to pay off your debt as quickly as possible …

using the same income and the same expenses … but getting a different result.

Are you claiming all the benefits you could be?

Property consultant

3. You’ll receive education and mentoring.

Your journey will have a far greater outcome

It’s all about strategy, and the first and most important part is understanding the strategy. Our role is to increase your financial literacy, so you understand the ‘rules’ – the most effective ways to do handle your finances. It’s like the road rules, you just have to learn them.

1. Knowledge. You may have some experience in investing, whether it’s shares, property or cash, but part of our coaching is to bring your knowledge up to date.

2. The Rules. We need to make sure you follow the rules, so that you can maximise your benefit and stay on track.

3. Minimise loss. We make certain that whatever obstacles and curve balls come along, together, we can make strategic and corrective actions at that time to minimise loss and stay on target.

If you understand the ‘why’, it’s easier to get. We find that clients who don’t understand the why, don’t stay with our programme, and don’t have the desired outcome. Clients who stay on track do better, and in many cases, exceed expectations.

Our goal is to help you, your children and other family members transfer knowledge from one generation to the next.

Property capital growth

4. You’ll understand that capital growth isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

And why you’re probably focused on the wrong one…

Most people are focused on capital growth. You know the kind, one minute a property is worth $300k, the next it’s $1million. Only it wasn’t you … it was someone you know’s second cousin. But you definitely want in on that deal.

There’s a good reason why we’re all hung up on capital growth. We can blame the media and their obsession with markets and numbers and scare tactics.

The challenge with capital growth is when you buy a property you have to wait a certain amount of years for that growth. You don’t know when it will happen, if it happens. In the meantime, when you still have weekly bills and expenses, you have to look at budgeting to make sure the rent covers all your expenses.

To create profit in a property, you have to pay down a debt. You need to have control over the cash flow and expenses. We believe cash flow is more important than capital growth – if it’s right you can hold your property for seven to ten years to get your capital growth. But if you don’t have the cash flow, you won’t be able to hold your property, and you won’t achieve capital growth.

Cash flow guarantees the longevity of your property to ensure you can get your capital growth. The less control you have over cash flow the more risk you have.

Property investor

5. You’ll become a successful property investor using the SAME income and the SAME expenses.

It comes down to working more efficiently and more cost effectively.

These days, people earn an income and spend what they have.  They haven’t learned the right way to spend their money. It’s not about how much you get but how you spend it that matters.  How it cycles through your bank accounts and investments, how it works hard for you … and how to maximise your tax benefits.

When you have any loan, the banks calculate interest every day.   For example:

  • If you have a loan that costs you 5% and a savings account with a lender that gives you 1% interest, would you keep $1,000 in a bank to earn 1% when you could save 5% on your loan?
  • Would you pay 21% on a credit card, when you could use an offset account on your homeloan?  

Small changes to your overall big picture will give you a different result long-term. Redirecting your money correctly and consolidating. It’s the compound effect.

Same income. Same expense. Different result.

Here at Mirren, we want you to to think critically about your future and to use all of our combined resources to build wealth through property investment. We can help you transform your current income and existing assets into a wealth creating property portfolio, with minimal risk, simply and efficiently.

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