Migration: A Key Driver of Property Demand in Australia – A Mirren Investment Properties Perspective

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Migration: A Key Driver of Property Demand in Australia – A Mirren Investment Properties Perspective

Posted on November 6, 2023 by Mirren Property Investment

At Mirren Investment Properties, we have been closely monitoring the remarkable resurgence of the Australian property market. The property prices are soaring, defying expectations despite interest rate hikes and economic uncertainties. In this article, we provide a perspective on how migration is emerging as a fundamental driver behind the surge in property demand in Australia.


The Migration Boom Down Under


Australia’s enduring appeal as a global destination is taking centre stage, and migration is playing a pivotal role in this resurgence. Over the years, several factors have contributed to this migration boom.


Population Growth Surpasses Expectations: The Australian government’s forecasts have been upgraded, with the fiscal year expecting a population growth of 2.0%. This increase significantly impacts the demand for housing, which lies at the core of our property investment focus.


Net Overseas Migration: A substantial part of this population growth is attributed to net overseas migration, predicted to reach 400k in 2022/23 and 315k in 2023/24. This influx of people into Australia, driven by its thriving economy and quality of life, has resulted in a surge in housing demand.


The Impact on Property Demand


Migration has a profound impact on Australia’s property market:


Increased Demand for Investment Properties: As people move to Australia, the demand for housing naturally increases. New arrivals, including international students, temporary workers, and permanent residents, require comfortable living spaces. This heightened demand translates to potential opportunities for our property investment portfolio.


Rental Market Growth: The influx of new residents has led to substantial growth in the rental market. As more people seek rental accommodations, rental prices have witnessed a remarkable increase. RBA Governor Philip Lowe’s prediction of rent inflation reaching around 10% per year emphasizes the robustness of this trend.


Supply and Demand Imbalance: The supply of new housing has not kept pace with this population growth. At Mirren Investment Properties, we recognize that this supply-demand imbalance is one of the core reasons behind the continuous rise in property prices. It’s a classic case of strong demand outstripping supply.


The Future Outlook

Considering the current dynamics, we believe that migration will continue to be a fundamental driver of property demand in Australia. This outlook suggests that property prices are expected to maintain an upward trajectory, despite concerns about affordability. For us at Mirren Investment Properties, this presents both exciting opportunities and unique challenges in managing and expanding our property investment portfolio.



At Mirren Investment Properties, we recognize the transformative role that migration plays in the Australian property market. As population growth exceeds expectations and net overseas migration continues to rise, housing demand remains strong. This trend is reshaping the property market, affecting prices, rents, and the overall dynamics of the Australian real estate sector. It reinforces our commitment to providing exceptional property investment opportunities in this dynamic and ever-evolving market.


Contact us now to explore the best property investment options in this dynamic market.

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