Property Investment in Adelaide, SA

Mirren-Property Investment in Adelaide

Property Investment in Adelaide, SA

Posted on November 10, 2022 by Mirren Property Investment

Adelaide is quickly becoming a property hotspot for seasoned and first-time investors alike. Adelaide property market has some unique features that make it unique and favoured by investors.

Over the years, the South Australian capital has gained considerable traction. Adelaide has shown recorded steady growth over the last five years. The lifestyle, scenic hills, magnificent wineries, fabulous beaches and convenience and many other perks, including top institutions and lucrative employment opportunities, make it favourable for property investment.

South Australian capital managed to prevent economic downturns through the pandemic. While some other Australian capitals have shown reduced growth, Adelaide’s property market remains steady.

Recent investments in infrastructure have created more employment opportunities and improved the overall liveability of the area.

The housing values of the Adelaide property market have increased by over 1%, and the median house prices to $642,470. Rental demand is high, and vacancy rates are very low. Rental yields have gone up, making it ideal for property investors.

Compared to other Australian capitals like Melbourne & Sydney, Adelaide properties are much more affordable. Higher demand and lower supply have to lead to the growth of Adelaide’s property market.

Invest in Adelaide with Mirren. Let us match you with a property that perfectly aligns with your property investment goals. Contact us for a no-obligation complimentary strategy session.

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