Western Australia’s Population Growth: A Strategic Perspective

Western Australia’s Population Growth: A Strategic Perspective

Posted on October 11, 2023 by Mirren Property Investment

At Mirren Investment Properties, we are closely monitoring the dynamic landscape of Western Australia’s property market. Recent developments have highlighted a significant surge in population growth within the state. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), WA’s population has seen remarkable growth, reaching 2.855 million residents as of March 2023, with a growth rate of 2.8 per cent, the highest among all states and territories.

In the first quarter of 2023, WA welcomed an astounding 26,005 new residents, marking a substantial 0.9 per cent increase. This surge in population is an exciting development, and we believe it offers strategic opportunities for property investors.


The increasing demand for housing in WA, particularly in the vibrant city of Perth, has been one of the most noticeable outcomes of this population surge. As property investment experts, we recognize the following trends and their implications:

Capital Appreciation: The heightened demand for homes has led to an upward trajectory in house prices. This presents an attractive opportunity for investors seeking capital appreciation in their property portfolios.

Rental Income Potential: With Perth’s vacancy rate tightening to 0.8 percent in August, the rental market is becoming increasingly lucrative. Investors can expect higher rental income and shorter vacancy periods for their properties.

Favorable Transaction Environment: Homes are selling and leasing at a rapid pace. For those looking to capitalize on their real estate investments, the current market conditions offer a favorable environment.


While we celebrate the current market dynamics, we are also attentive to the long-term challenges posed by the population growth:

Limited New Construction: The number of new dwelling commencements remains relatively low, with approximately 14,000 expected this year. The apartment market, in particular, faces a shortage of new construction.

Sustainable Growth: To ensure a sustainable and balanced property market, a consistent pipeline of new dwellings is imperative. As property investment strategists, we emphasize the need for sustainable growth to accommodate the expanding population.

In conclusion, we recognize the strategic potential of Western Australia’s population growth for property investors. The current market presents opportunities for capital appreciation and rental income, but it also underscores the importance of addressing long-term housing supply challenges.

Our team is here to guide and support you in navigating this evolving property market. We will continue to provide expert insights and tailored investment strategies to help you make informed decisions and achieve your property investment goals in this thriving environment. If you’re ready to seize these opportunities or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us now at Mirren Investment Properties. Stay tuned for more updates and analyses from our team.

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